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0040 21 460 43 70
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M-F: 09:00 / 18.00
Reliable logistics and transport solutions that save you valuable time!
SC TRANS INTERNATIONAL SPED NCA SRL is a privately owned company, with 100% Romanian capital, based in Bucharest, the most important commercial and logistic centre of Romania..
Founded in February 2000, TRANS INTERNATIONAL SPED is the direct result of the experience and professionalism accumulated by team members over the years.
The seriousness of the company and the quality of the services offered is confirmed by its acceptance as an independent member of FIATA, an organization with tradition and worldwide reputation, and by the certification of the quality management processes offered according to ISO 9001 standards.

What we can do for you
Optimal Solutions
We analyse your transport requirements and offer optimal solutions tailored to your needs.
Solutii Optime
Analizam solicitarile de transport si oferim solutii optime adaptate cerintelor dumneavoastra.
We cover any transport
We cover any transport request from 0,1 to up to 24 to, general cargo, ADR or temperature controlled.
Acoperim Orice Transport
Acoperim orice solicitare de transport de la 0,1to pana la 24 to, marfa generala, ADR sau cu temperatura controlata.
Quality Services
The reliability of the company and the quality of the services offered is confirmed by its acceptance as an independent FIATA member.
Servicii De Calitate
Seriozitatea companiei si calitatea serviciilor oferite este confirmata de acceptarea sa ca membru independent FIATA
We understand the importance of every transport!
Customer Testimonial